Bare Cheek (UK)

And so .... bare cheek, (cheek by name, cheek by nature) my all out favorite... Lets be clear you don't do these tings alone....Iit all started with a few parties STASH was i think the first in  a town called Wallsal, yeh 1994 was the first real warehouse invite only party (got busted) nuff said (it cost) .... haha ... so we re grouped and did a few parties then along acme TO _LET a top brand... if it was TO_LET we would have it off.... a small system but we had vision and most off we had balls.... Ratty was in the slammer at the time somfin to do with an unauthorized withdrawal at the post office with some dude from the Charlatans.... Little did i know we would be come partners in crime and many a business (remember the market stall Ratt) weird stuff and smoking para.... hahah forward mid 90's Bare Cheek is on the run RaTTy had the sound, the LOVE and Oh my god the lights, lazeRz, UV's, StroBez u name it and the balls.... Bare Cheek did run tings in the 90'z till the present day with the likes of Lee Silk, Phil Gardner, Spencer Valentine, Scott Bond, Matt J, Danny Jones we fooked up many a warehouse, office block, school, shops anywhere we could blag a party.... fast forward some more last and we diversified but not how u think ..... Ratty ran another system MK ULTRA another story...this was TECHNO 100% so he was connected...... forward again 2010 the Parachute party Walsall again NICKY BLACK MARKET on the head line 2 rooms...2 rude.... OK we took big hit with the 7 Meadows gig but after a lengthy game of cat and mouse with the Staffordshire constabulary we partied all night... Last gig was a fuckin Jammm ... Bare Cheek Vs Demolition 2 rig All nighter at a SECRET LOCATION (The Quarry Wolvo) ----- THE STORY we landed at the site ooooh 11pm+ on the night of the V fest not 10 miles away, it was pitch black..... party goers were alerted and beat us there (it was the middle of nowhere) but they got there (GOD WE LOVE GPS) it was an old quary now a srcamblin/motoX track... we eyed it up, the padlock just popped on the gate (we were in) half hour, a bit of musscle some diesel and we were off.... the phone was buzzin, ravers were landina rave was in motion 1 system BnD,tech, jungle and techno on 1 rig dais a right lionel...

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